header - govt and advocacy

In advance of the 132nd Legislative Session, MSSA Legislative Staff have created a Legislative Dashboard, which we hope will be a comprehensive resource for news and information on Maine education policy.

You can find the page by clicking on the button to the right. The page includes weekly legislative bulletins from MSSA legislative staff, video and audio updates, as well as trainings, legislative calendars, links to particular bills of interest, and contact information for lawmakers and the legislature's Education Committee.

This page is password-protected. Please reach out to Robbie Feinberg at rfeinberg@msmaweb.com if you need the password.

Advocating For Your School District at the Maine Legislature

In order to effectively advocate for public education in Maine, we all must work together! We encourage you to reach out to your elected representatives and senators and share your perspective on important public policy. Below, you'll find resources to help you in your advocacy.

Download a larger version of this handout at this link

This online presentation offers tips and advice for how School Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and School Board Members can advocate for public education with their local elected officials.

You can download the slides of this presentation at this link.

Helpful Links:

MSSA Legislative Committee

During the Legislative Session, the Legislative Committee of MSSA meets periodically to review proposed legislation and to take positions on such legislation on behalf of the MSSA Board of Directors.

Click here to see the full list of bills we're watching (this will include updated information for the 132nd Legislative Session when we begin to review bills in Winter 2025)

Please click on the link below to view the latest report. While a particular position is stated, often there is discussion within the Legislative Committee that helps inform the testimony that will be provided along with the stated position of Support, Oppose or Neither For Nor Against. The stated position does not always tell the full story of the position of the Legislative Committee. Should you want more information regarding the position on a bill, please contact the Chair of the Committee or the Executive Director.

If you would like additional information on a particular LD, please click on the LD number in the report and you will be redirected to the Maine State Legislature’s file on that particular LD.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Andrew Dolloff, Chair, Legislative Committee
Eileen King, Executive Director

MSSA Position on Bills - as of 2/25/25