The Maine School Management Association, located in Augusta, is a statewide, non-profit federation of local school boards and superintendents consisting of the Maine School Boards Association and the Maine School Superintendents Association. MSMA serves as an advocate for the interests of the state’s public school students and school units and provides programs and services that support the needs of the membership.
The policies and direction of the Maine School Management Association are established by the MSMA Action and Policy Committees. The MSBA and MSSA representatives on these committees make decisions vital to the interests of all local school boards and superintendents served by the MSMA staff.
Maine School Management Association should be the first place school board members and superintendents call with a question because MSMA staff has either done the research or can quickly get its hands on the information needed.
MSMA staff includes former superintendents and school board members, people with private-sector financial and media expertise.
Our expertise covers:
School finance
School policies
Collective bargaining
Personnel issues
Legislation affecting education
Effective communication
Rules of governance
Comprehensive insurance coverage
During the legislative season, MSMA staff do research and provide testimony before the Legislature on bills that affect education, based on the recommendation of the legislative committees of the MSBA and MSSA. Nearly 400 bills are filed each year that require the organization’s review.
The Maine School Management Association was created in 1971 to represent the Maine School Boards Association and the Maine School Superintendents Association.