To search bills: use Ctrl+F or Command+F (on a Mac) and enter search criteria (i.e. LD #, bill category, etc.).
Bill categories: Administration; Charter Schools; Construction; Curriculum; Funding; Negotiations; School Boards; School Safety; Special Education; and Teachers.
L.D. 973—An Act to Establish the Community Partnerships with Public School Systems Grant Program - Funding; Teachers
L.D. 941—An Act Requiring Employers to Disclose Wage Ranges in Job Postings
L.D. 933—An Act to Increase to 100 Percent the State Share of Funding for Special Education Costs of All School Administrative Units - Special Education; Funding
L.D. 927—An Act to Require Chaplains in School Administrative Units
L.D. 919—An Act to Require Parental Permission for Certain Surveys and Questionnaires Administered to Minors in Schools - Charter Schools
L.D. 903—An Act to Regulate the Advertising of Cannabis Products
L.D. 900—An Act to Protect State Retiree Pensions from Inflation - Teachers; Administration
L.D. 895—An Act to Support Immersive Outdoor Education by Establishing the Outdoor School for All Maine Students Program - Funding; Teachers; Curriculum
L.D. 894—An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Paid Family and Medical Leave
L.D. 868—An Act to Ensure Equity and Safety in Athletics, Restrooms, Changing Rooms and Housing at Elementary, Secondary and Postsecondary Schools - Charter Schools
L.D. 854—An Act to Provide Equitable Capital Construction Funding for Maine's Charter Schools - Funding; School Construction
L.D. 849—An Act to Establish a Recall Process for Public School Board Members - School Boards
L.D. 833—An Act to Expand the Earned Paid Leave Exception
L.D. 828—An Act to Allow Chiropractors to Be Designated as School Health Advisors - School Boards
L.D. 808—An Act to Require School Boards and Governing Bodies of Approved Private Schools to Implement Wearable Panic Alert Systems - School Boards; School Safety
L.D. 803—An Act to Address Certification Violations for School Staff - Administration; School Boards
L.D. 799—An Act to Report Gender Wage Gaps
L.D. 766—An Act to Protect the Children of Maine
L.D. 747—An Act to Provide Funds to Reduce Student Homelessness - Funding
L.D. 734—An Act to Promote Voter Registration for Students in Maine's High Schools
L.D. 727—An Act to Repeal Certain Immunization Requirements for Schools
L.D. 696—An Act to Bolster the Maine Teacher Residency Program - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 669—An Act Regarding Labor
L.D. 660—An Act to Provide Transparency and Public Access to Public School Curricula - School Boards; Curriculum
L.D. 653—An Act to Allow Teachers to Qualify for Overtime Pay - Teachers
L.D. 628—An Act Regarding Eligibility to Apply for a Department of Education Diploma
L.D. 615—An Act Regarding Elections
L.D. 607—An Act to Require the Approval of Superintendent Agreements Regarding Transfers of Students Between School Administrative Units - Administration
L.D. 599—An Act to Codify the Federal Salary Threshold for Overtime Pay
L.D. 598—An Act to Require Minimum Pay for Reporting to Work
L.D. 587—An Act to Require Cardiac Emergency Response Plans and Athletic Emergency Action Plans for Schools and School-sponsored Athletic Events - School Safety; School Boards
L.D. 574—An Act to Improve Labor Conditions for Workers in the State
L.D. 572—An Act to Improve Maine's Workers' Compensation Laws
L.D. 571—An Act to Improve Conditions for Maine Workers and Retirees
L.D. 550—An Act to Support Outdoor, Agricultural-based and Hands-on Experiential Learning in Public Schools - Curriculum
L.D. 542—An Act Regarding Municipal Property Tax Levy Limits
L.D. 539—An Act to Repeal the Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program
L.D. 537—An Act to Prohibit the Doxing of a Minor and to Authorize a Related Civil Action
L.D. 536—An Act to Establish Net Neutrality
L.D. 517—An Act to Protect the First Amendment Rights of Individuals in the State
L.D. 513—An Act to Allow the Spouse of a School Board Member to Serve as a Stipend Employee Within the School Board's Jurisdiction - School Boards
L.D. 512—An Act to Provide Educational Opportunities for Students in Secondary Schools with 200 or Fewer Students - Administration; Funding
L.D. 501—An Act to Fairly Fund School Administrative Units for Economically Disadvantaged Students - Funding
L.D. 482—An Act to Expand Educational Opportunities and Broaden Educational Services for Students Enrolled in Equivalent Instruction Programs - Special Education; Administration; Curriculum
L.D. 470—An Act to Require School Administrative Units to Adopt Mentoring Programs for Teachers and to Improve Existing Programs - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 433—An Act Relating to Requirements for School Bus Drivers
L.D. 420—An Act to Fund the Carleton Project to Provide Additional Access to a Nontraditional Secondary School - Funding; Curriculum
L.D. 396—An Act to Provide for a Later Starting Time for High Schools
L.D. 386—An Act Regarding Information That May Be Shared by Law Enforcement Entities with a School Superintendent or a Principal - Administration
L.D. 384—An Act to Prevent Student Homelessness - Funding
L.D. 370—An Act to Raise the Minimum State Standard for Mathematics Education for a High School Diploma - Curriculum; Funding
L.D. 369—An Act to Grant or Extend Conditional Teaching Certificates Under Certain Circumstances - Teachers
L.D. 363—An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Create the School Capital Improvement Fund - Funding; Construction
L.D. 361—An Act to Support the Francis Malcolm Science Center - Funding
L.D. 360—An Act Supporting the Dirigo Reads Literacy Program - Funding
L.D. 354—An Act to Improve Education in Maine
L.D. 339—Resolve, to Provide Funds to the Maine Indian Education School District to Develop a Wabanaki-centered Curriculum - Curriculum; Funding
L.D. 329—An Act to Increase the Fine for Passing a Stopped School Bus
L.D. 328—An Act Requiring the State to Pay a Retired State Employee's or Retired Teacher's Premium for Medicare Part B Under Medicare Advantage - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 324—An Act to Increase Reading Proficiency in Public Schools - Curriculum
L.D. 318—An Act Regarding School Funding and General Purpose Aid for Local Schools - Funding
L.D. 315—An Act to Add a Personal Finance Course to the State Graduation Requirements in High Schools - Curriculum
L.D. 312—An Act Regarding the Rates of Speed at Which School Buses Travel
L.D. 295—An Act Regarding Education
L.D. 282—An Act to Raise the Limit on the Total Number of Public Charter Schools - Charter Schools
L.D. 242—An Act to Extend the Maximum Time Period for Certain School Construction Bonds - Construction
L.D. 230—An Act to Protect Minors from Harmful Depictions Generated by Artificial Intelligence
L.D. 225—An Act to Reduce Property Taxes and Finance Public School Construction and Education Through a 3 Percent Sales Tax on Hotel and Lodging Place Rentals - Construction; Funding
L.D. 218—An Act to Make Student Transfer Agreements Renew Automatically Except in Certain Circumstances - Administration
L.D. 193—An Act to Fund Students in Maine Schools Who Are Experiencing Homelessness - Funding
L.D. 187—An Act to Prohibit Labor Organizations from Imposing Mandatory Service Fees on Nonmembers
L.D. 185—An Act to Expand Opportunities to Invest Municipal Tax Increment Financing Revenues
L.D. 181—An Act to Modify the Calculation of Pupil Counts Used for Determination of School Administrative Unit Operating Costs - Funding; Teachers; Special Education
L.D. 174—An Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements
L.D. 168—An Act to Improve Safety in Public Schools by Requiring Silent Electronic Notification Systems in Classrooms - School Safety
L.D. 165—An Act to Allow School Boards to Expel or Suspend Students Regardless of Grade Level - School Boards
L.D. 155—An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools
L.D. 124—An Act to Protect the Right to Food
L.D. 112—An Act to Promote Opportunities by Establishing a Student Wage
L.D. 111—An Act to Increase the State's Share of Retired Teacher Health Insurance - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 106—An Act Regarding the Taxation of Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits
L.D. 98—An Act to Include School Counselors in the Educators for Maine Program
L.D. 86—An Act to Update the Laws Regarding Education - School Boards; Funding
L.D. 81—An Act to Foster Innovation in Maine Schools by Updating the Requirements of School Innovation Waivers - Teachers; Administration; Curriculum
L.D. 78—An Act to Require Elementary School Students to Learn Cursive Writing - Curriculum
L.D. 74—An Act to Update the System of Learning Results Review Timeline
L.D. 71—An Act Regarding Special Education Funding - Funding; Special Education
L.D. 61—An Act to Regulate Employer Surveillance to Protect Workers
L.D. 60—An Act to Allow Employees to Request Flexible Work Schedules
L.D. 55—An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Accrual of Earned Paid Leave
L.D. 53—An Act to Establish the November General Election Day as a State Holiday
L.D. 34—An Act to Increase the Minimum Salary for Teachers - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 31—An Act Regarding School Enrollment for Military-connected Students - Administration
L.D. 22—An Act to Update the Laws Governing Education in the Unorganized Territory
L.D. 11—An Act Regarding Temperature Standards for School Buildings - School Boards
L.D. 370—An Act to Raise the Minimum State Standard for Mathematics Education for a High School Diploma - Curriculum; Funding
L.D. 369—An Act to Grant or Extend Conditional Teaching Certificates Under Certain Circumstances - Teachers
L.D. 363—An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Create the School Capital Improvement Fund - Funding; Construction
L.D. 361—An Act to Support the Francis Malcolm Science Center - Funding
L.D. 360—An Act Supporting the Dirigo Reads Literacy Program - Funding
L.D. 354—An Act to Improve Education in Maine
L.D. 339—Resolve, to Provide Funds to the Maine Indian Education School District to Develop a Wabanaki-centered Curriculum - Curriculum; Funding
L.D. 329—An Act to Increase the Fine for Passing a Stopped School Bus
L.D. 328—An Act Requiring the State to Pay a Retired State Employee's or Retired Teacher's Premium for Medicare Part B Under Medicare Advantage - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 324—An Act to Increase Reading Proficiency in Public Schools - Curriculum
L.D. 318—An Act Regarding School Funding and General Purpose Aid for Local Schools - Funding
L.D. 315—An Act to Add a Personal Finance Course to the State Graduation Requirements in High Schools - Curriculum
L.D. 312—An Act Regarding the Rates of Speed at Which School Buses Travel
L.D. 295—An Act Regarding Education
L.D. 282—An Act to Raise the Limit on the Total Number of Public Charter Schools - Charter Schools
L.D. 242—An Act to Extend the Maximum Time Period for Certain School Construction Bonds - Construction
L.D. 230—An Act to Protect Minors from Harmful Depictions Generated by Artificial Intelligence
L.D. 225—An Act to Reduce Property Taxes and Finance Public School Construction and Education Through a 3 Percent Sales Tax on Hotel and Lodging Place Rentals - Construction; Funding
L.D. 218—An Act to Make Student Transfer Agreements Renew Automatically Except in Certain Circumstances - Administration
L.D. 193—An Act to Fund Students in Maine Schools Who Are Experiencing Homelessness - Funding
L.D. 187—An Act to Prohibit Labor Organizations from Imposing Mandatory Service Fees on Nonmembers
L.D. 185—An Act to Expand Opportunities to Invest Municipal Tax Increment Financing Revenues
L.D. 181—An Act to Modify the Calculation of Pupil Counts Used for Determination of School Administrative Unit Operating Costs - Funding; Teachers; Special Education
L.D. 174—An Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements
L.D. 168—An Act to Improve Safety in Public Schools by Requiring Silent Electronic Notification Systems in Classrooms - School Safety
L.D. 165—An Act to Allow School Boards to Expel or Suspend Students Regardless of Grade Level - School Boards
L.D. 155—An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools
L.D. 124—An Act to Protect the Right to Food
L.D. 112—An Act to Promote Opportunities by Establishing a Student Wage
L.D. 111—An Act to Increase the State's Share of Retired Teacher Health Insurance - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 106—An Act Regarding the Taxation of Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits
L.D. 98—An Act to Include School Counselors in the Educators for Maine Program
L.D. 86—An Act to Update the Laws Regarding Education - School Boards; Funding
L.D. 81—An Act to Foster Innovation in Maine Schools by Updating the Requirements of School Innovation Waivers - Teachers; Administration; Curriculum
L.D. 78—An Act to Require Elementary School Students to Learn Cursive Writing - Curriculum
L.D. 74—An Act to Update the System of Learning Results Review Timeline
L.D. 71—An Act Regarding Special Education Funding - Funding; Special Education
L.D. 61—An Act to Regulate Employer Surveillance to Protect Workers
L.D. 60—An Act to Allow Employees to Request Flexible Work Schedules
L.D. 55—An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Accrual of Earned Paid Leave
L.D. 53—An Act to Establish the November General Election Day as a State Holiday
L.D. 34—An Act to Increase the Minimum Salary for Teachers - Teachers; Funding
L.D. 31—An Act Regarding School Enrollment for Military-connected Students - Administration
L.D. 22—An Act to Update the Laws Governing Education in the Unorganized Territory
L.D. 11—An Act Regarding Temperature Standards for School Buildings - School Boards