The Maine School Management Association Dental Trust Fund offers coverage through the Group Dental Trust Fund.
*** Effective January 1, 2021: Plans 1 and 2 have been combined into one plan (Option A) with a $40 deductible, including orthodontic coverage. Plans 3 and 4 have been combined into one plan (Option B) with a $40 deductible without orthodontic coverage.
Maine School Management Association acts as plan administrator for the dental insurance trust. The team in the Group Insurance Department is ready to help members understand their benefits and offer education to staff who administer the programs in their schools.
Patient Advocates, LLC pays claims for our dental program. This is a Maine company based in Gray with whom we have worked since 1999. Their customer service team is also available to our members and dental providers for answers to claim questions. They can be reached at 1-800-290-8559.
General Plan Highlights
No network – Subscribers and covered dependents may visit any dental provider in or out of Maine
Claims are processed in state with an average turn-around time of 4 days after receipt of claim
No waiting period for benefits
Each covered member may utilize up to $1250 in benefits per calendar year (January – December)
Preventive services are covered in full subject to usual, customary and reasonable charges
MSMA administers the COBRA program for all eligible employees and/or dependents
Benefits are extended to retired employees
Dental Plans
Plan A $40 Individual Deductible ($120 Maximum per family) Orthodontia covered
Plan B $40 Individual Deductible ($120 Maximum per family) Orthodontia not covered
Contact MSMA customer service with questions: (207) 626-5444.
All plans have a maximum of $1250 in benefits paid per family member for Class 1, 2 and 3 services.
Class 1 Procedures – Diagnostic and Preventive (Partial Listing)
*Clinical oral examinations — 2 in any one calendar year
*Intra-oral x-rays — complete series (including bitewings) – limit 1 series in a 60 consecutive month period
*Bitewing — limit to 2 in any one calendar year
*Dental prophylaxis — limit to 2 in any one calendar year
*Fluoride treatments — for individuals under 19 years of age — limit to one treatment in any 12 consecutive month period
Plan A: Payment 100%
Plan B: Payment 100%
Class 2 Procedures – Basic (Partial Listing)
*Fillings — Amalgam, silicate, acrylic or plastic
*Root canal therapy
*Periodontal scaling and root planing
*If more than one periodontal surgical procedure is performed per quadrant, only the most inclusive is considered a dental procedure
*Adjustment of dentures
*Replace broken tooth on complete or partial denture
*Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
*Emergency Treatment
Plan A: Plan pays 80% after a $40 deductible is met
Plan B: Plan pays 80% after a $40 deductible is met
Class 3 Procedures – Major (Partial Listing)
*Crowns, bridges, dentures, implants (upon review)
*Complete and partial dentures (includes 6 months of post-installation care)
Plan A: Plan pays 50% after a $40 deductible is met
Plan B: Plan pays 50% after a $40 deductible is met
Class 4 Procedures – Orthodontic Coverage (Partial Listing)
*Orthodontic benefits are limited to dependent children under the age of 19. The maximum lifetime benefit is $1100.
*Comprehensive orthodontic treatment preliminary study including cephalometric radiographs, diagnostic casts and treatment plans
*Appliances for tooth guidance
Eligible orthodontic treatment is payable at 50%, and payments will begin once the bands are placed. Periodic payments will be made for eligible orthodontic services, provided eligible dependent remains in active treatment.
Plan A: Plan pays 50%
Plan B: No coverage
$1100 lifetime maximum coverage for Orthodontia.