Maine School Management Association staff advocate on behalf of school boards and superintendents at the Statehouse, delivering testimony based on positions taken by the MSBA and MSSA legislative committees.

Staff also provide information to legislators on what practical and technical effect proposed legislation and policy initiatives would have on the operation of Maine’s schools.

Click on the links below to see what bills the Association is following and how to contact your legislators.

You also can listen to committee hearings and House and Senate deliberations online by clicking on the audio link below.


The legislative committees of both the Maine School Boards Association and Maine School Superintendents Association start meeting early in the new year to review bills filed by members of the incoming Legislature that affect education.

These meetings will form the basis for testimony given by Maine School Management Association staff on behalf of MSBA and MSSA at legislative hearings. That testimony is designed to not only inform legislators of the associations’ opinions, but to give them practical information on how proposals affect schools.


For a description of education-related bills and where they are at in the legislative process click on bills we’re watching. For a schedule of upcoming public hearings and committee deliberations on those bills click on public hearings. To listen to the Education Committee’s deliberations on these bills click on Education Committee during the time the bill is scheduled for a hearing. You can find links to other committees by clicking Legislative Committee Audio.


On bills affecting public education, it is important to let your legislators know how proposals will affect their district. To find contact information for your state representative, click on House Members. For your senator, click on Senators. For contact information specific to the Education Committee, click on Education Committee. For all other committees click on All Committees.

For information on how to contact your U.S. Senators, click on Collins or KingTo contact your Congressman/Congresswoman, click on Golden or Pingree.