Founded in 1990, the Maine School Management Association Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund (MSMA-WCTF) provides a comprehensive workers’ compensation program for schools. The Trust Fund was established to meet the workers’ compensation statutory obligation for payments to injured workers. The Fund operates on a sound actuarial basis with contribution rates for each participating member established by recommendation of the Fund actuary and vote of the Board of Trustees. As a self-insured group program, the MSMA-WCTF must receive annual authorization from the State of Maine Bureau of Insurance to operate in the State.
The MSMA-WCTF has three purposes:
to provide an actuarially sound method of self-insurance for workers’ compensation costs to be incurred by school units;
to assist school units in developing and implementing personnel practices that will incorporate loss control provisions to minimize workers’ compensation liability;
and to act as the representative of the school units before the Bureau of Insurance, the Maine Workers’ Compensation Board, other applicable agencies and the courts regarding workers’ compensation claims , rules, regulations and other matters pertaining to workers’ compensation.
Seven trustees who are elected by the membership govern the Trust Fund. Maine School Management Association provides daily administration of the Trust Fund. Membership in the Trust Fund is open to all public school units in the State who maintain membership in the Maine School Boards Association.
Designed especially to meet the current and future needs of Maine schools, the MSMA-WCTF provides membership benefits not available from the conventional insurance marketplace. The funding formula used supports the following services that will have immediate impact for members:
Individual property inspections and recommendations
Training for employees of individual units
Regional safety and loss control activities
Interactive television network presentations
Employee claims consultations
To learn more about the MSMA-WCTF and how your school unit will benefit, email Wendy Douglas or call (207) 626-5444.
WCTF Links:
MSMA’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Trust, in partnership with TargetSolutions, is proud to announce the launch of its NEW online training and records management platform FREE to Maine school systems who are current members of the Trusts!
Click here to log on to TargetSolutions Employee Training. Each member will receive its own personalized website that will allow you to train and manage staff easier than ever before. With courses ranging from Sexual Harassment Awareness and Workplace Ethics to School Bullying and Playground Safety – there is something for everyone.
If you wish to register for an online webinar or need more information please contact Dylan Chase at (207) 622-3473, or via email at Remember, this service is provided at no charge to your district – so why wait!