Maine Resilience Building Network Youth Mattering Community Conversation

Since 2012, the Maine Resilience Building Network has provided  experienced leadership, professional development, training, systems change and advocacy for Maine to build more resilient people, workforces and communities across Maine. Increasing the understanding of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the importance of building protective factors and connections for every individual in Maine is a priority. Today the organization speaks with a voice for building resilience that is over 1,600 strong and growing. The Maine Resilience Building Network creates conversations and connections to assure that every individual in Maine can thrive through resilience- knowing that they matter to people in their community. 

MRBN released the Cultivating Mattering For Maine Youth White Paper in the spring of 2020.  MRBN is catalyzing a call to action for Maine Youth to Matter more across our communities. In the Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS), middle school and high school students, when asked if they mattered in their community, could only agree less than 50% of the time “I Matter".  Maine has the most anxious children in the nation, the teen suicide rate is on the rise and our youth rank 3rd in the nation as most depressed. 22% of respondents on the MIYHS had reported experiencing 4 or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). These are failing grades and in these times, there is urgency to cultivate mattering for our youth.

If you have joined the conversation, thank you. If the Mattering Initiative is  new to you, please join us! The Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN) invites you to continue the conversation and attend one of the nine Cultivating Youth Mattering community conversations scheduled virtually across all public health districts and all Maine counties. Our goal is to have conversations with community members, business, faith, civic leaders, public safety, healthcare, organizations, families and neighbors to gather information, learn about promising practices and generate synergy to change the culture where all youth matter. We are committed to working collaboratively, alongside community members currently standing up to foster resilience and thriving for Maine youth. I imagine you are curious and want to learn more.

In order to explore these questions and answers further we will be hosting community conversations and welcome you to join and help spread the word with your friends, colleagues, and larger networks! The linked documents can assist in better understanding the issue and help spread the word including: the MRBN White Paper on Cultivating Mattering For Maine Youth and a flier to provide  information and registrations links to share with others. Please share with your community members. This is a community affair and all are welcome to join and share! I welcome an invitation to attend a public health district meeting to offer an introduction to the Initiative, update and answer questions. 

Ruby Parker, MRBN Engagement and Education Director are available to schedule a call for introductions, answer questions and discuss opportunities to collaborate. Please visit our website to learn more and consider attending our MRBN Network Meeting on January 28th, visit the mattering page for past events, and register for a community conversation. There are two events scheduled in the evening. It is fine to attend an event if your health district date is not convenient.