The full Legislature will meet on Wednesday to vote on a budget that includes unanimous support from the Appropriations Committee for the state to fund 55 percent of the cost of education, as recommended by Governor Mills.
If enacted by the full Legislature, it will be the first time the state hits 55-percent share since voters supported it in a statewide referendum in 2004.
The additional proposed funding will drop the required mil rate to 7.26 versus the 7.9 in the original budget package. The spreadsheet linked below gives a breakdown of what the additional funding will mean for individual districts.
Click here to view the spreadsheet.
“I applaud the members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee for their hard work in reaching this unanimous, bipartisan agreement,” Gov. Mills said in a press statement. “From 55 percent school funding, to full revenue sharing, to increased property tax relief, to health care, and much more, this budget makes important, meaningful, and historic progress for Maine people.”