Mills Administration Awards $5.6 Million to Build High Speed Internet Infrastructure for Students in Underserved Maine Communities
47th Annual MSMA Fall Conference—Virtual this year—OCTOBER 30 & 31, 2020
Order gives flexibility on hiring school staff
The Cultural Competence Institute for Maine Educators
Support Question 1 on expanding internet on July 14
Working Draft:  Return to Classroom Instruction Framework
Webinar - Courageous Conversations about Coronavirus and School Safety
DeVos Announces Cancellation Of Standardized Tests At K-12 Schools Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
An Order Regarding School Readiness
Legislature voting on school funding, COVID-19 response
Updates on COVID-19
Urge lawmakers to oppose Right to Strike
Following Bipartisan Push Led by Senators Collins, Hassan, Department of Education Halts Cuts to Rural, Low-Income Schools
Governor Mills Convenes Coronavirus Response Team
PRIORITY NOTICE: Reminders for School Communities Regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Urge Education Committee to oppose teacher-transfer bill
State releases preliminary 2020 GPA by district
Bill line-up for 2020 Legislature
Planson named Business Friend of Education