MSBA Drive-In Board Chair Workshop

The Board Chair Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, October 23, 2019. We are presenting this workshop with the intended audience of Board Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Aspiring Chairs. Come learn and share with others the important skills and areas of focus specific to the role of the Chair.  Being offered just prior to the MSMA Fall Conference that will begin the next morning on October 24, we hope that you will join us.       

A fee of $50 per participant, $80 for joint registration (Chair and Vice Chair), or $110 for three (Chair, Vice Chair and Aspiring Chair) will be invoiced for those registered. Registration includes afternoon refreshments.

Linked here is the registration flyer. We are asking for you to RSVP if you plan on attending. Please email the registration form to or fax to (207) 626-2968 by Friday, October 11th.

Thanks for your interest and we hope to see you.