Remote Participation in School Board Meetings

L.D. 32—An Act Regarding Remote Participation in Public Proceedings, has been signed into law by Governor Mills.  It is set to take effect immediately once a policy has been adopted by the local school board.  In the meantime, L.D. 2167, and the Executive Order from the Governor allows school boards to continue the use of remote meetings through July 30, 2021. 

Drummond Woodsum has collaborated with MSMA to craft the memo (linked below) to accompany the sample policy (also linked below) from MSMA.  There are specifics to follow within the law, memo and sample policy.  Should you have questions please reach out to Steve Bailey, Eileen King or Charlotte Bates, or as always you can seek advice from your school unit’s attorney.
Memorandum Regarding Remote Participation in Public Proceedings MSMA Sample Policy BED—Remote Participation in School Board Meetings