Report of the MSBA 2021 Nominating Committee

TO: Board Chairs, Board Members, and Superintendents of Schools   

FROM: Becky Fles, Chair, MSBA Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee met and interviewed prospective candidates for the MSBA Officers and Board of Directors on two different occasions, July 15, 2021 and again on August 9, 2021. At Delegate Assembly the Delegates elect only two officers, the President-Elect and the Vice President. The Nominating Committee has slated the following Officers and Directors:

President:   Lucy Richard (Region I)
President-Elect:   Peggy Lembo-Splaine (Region V)
Vice President:   Jane Osborne (Region IV)
Region III:   Jamie Bohanon (2024)
Region VIII:   Sandra DeVaney (2024)
At-Large:   Greg Buccina (Region VI) (2024)
Also, please note:  
Region I Director:   Vacant (three-year position)
Region IV Director:   Vacant (two-year position)
Region V Director:   Vacant (one-year position)
At-Large Director:   Vacant (can’t be from Region VI—2-yr position)
At-Large Director:   Vacant (can’t be from Region VI—3-yr position)

Please note:     
1. If the Nominating Committee does not nominate a candidate, the candidate may still be nominated by two member boards prior to September 23, 2021, which will ensure that their name is printed on the ballot.
2. Candidates for Director positions may still be nominated from the floor of the Delegate Assembly to be held on October 23, 2021.